Avalon Family

Cowichan Bay

We are a New Earth community, called to serve humanity during these beautiful and tumultuous times.  Each of us have been Divinely guided to this community, where we are creating a 5D bubble of Heaven.  Even the name of our community, “Avalon”, and our community’s location, were Divinely received during a mystical experience which initiated our journey together.  Those who reside and visit our sanctuary experience the peace, joy, and bliss of the Divine, and the love of their fellow humans in our community of oneness.

The sacred and magical land we live upon is located in the shadow of Mount Tzouhalem, where the river meets the sea in Cowichan Bay on Vancouver Island, Canada. Our land is surrounded by nature, and spending time here is as if time stands still as you take in the beauty and majesty all around you.

Our overarching mission is to raise our own levels of consciousness and that of all humanity, to aid Mother Earth and everyone living on this beautiful planet to transform as gracefully and smoothly as possible through the ongoing planetary ascension.

We live together in love, harmony, and oneness in a thriving community of pure-hearted individuals.  We honor Gaia by living in the natural cycles of life, and by raising animals and growing our own food in a loving, organic, regenerative way.  We shine our light out to our extended community, offering programs and events that allow guests from Vancouver Island and around the world to experience the sacredness of the land and the light of their own Divinity.

Events & Programs

Avalon is an ascension activation point, and we offer events and programs aimed at providing guests with an ascension metamorphosis experience, to rapidly accelerate them on their spiritual paths.  Our venue and philosophy are unlike any others.  We invite you to come to be part of the Avalon Family for our one-day and multi-day programs.  Experience for yourself what opening to a 5D reality feels like as you spend time, receive ascension activations, and learn from our special guests and our community of lightworkers.  We look forward to you joining your light with ours at our powerful, magical, and joyful events, so that we all benefit from our brighter, combined radiance.

Upcoming Events

  • Stay tuned for details about other gatherings at Avalon this fall, including community potlucks, sharing circles, a meditation group, and more.